Customer reviews

You want to add to your customer review base and
you want to extract the main insights for:

  • improve the customer experience,
  • understand structural or temporary dissatisfaction,
  • detect weak signals?

Our solutions

On the basis of:

● The collection of information through different types of open-ended questions
(reasons for dissatisfaction, image, reasons for coming, etc.),
from multiple sources (customer panels,
customer service, NPS, social networks, etc.),

● A verbatim analysis (themes, tone, weighting,
recurrence, word cloud).

Lugaxis offers a “Machine learning”
approach to your customer reviews to improve customer satisfaction.

Our solutions

On the basis of:

  • The collection of information through different types of open-ended questions (reasons for dissatisfaction, image, reasons for coming, etc.), from multiple sources (customer panels, customer service, NPS, social networks, etc.),
  • A verbatim analysis (themes, tone, weighting, recurrence, word cloud).

Lugaxis propose une approche ” Machine learning ” sur vos avis clients pour améliorer la satisfaction de votre clientèle.



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