You no longer want to apply the same recipes to
all your points of sale and need to group them by typology, in order to:
- tailor assortments and pricing policies to the target population,
- define more differentiated store concepts,
- carry out appropriate marketing campaigns?
Our solutions
The clustering of your store fleet is
constructed by identifying the main role of
each point of sale based on the analysis of available information:
● physical characteristics of the store
● Receipts
● catchment area (competition, customer profile vs population),
● performance indicators (penetration, frequency, basket).
Lugaxis offers a ” Machine Learning “
, approach to your customer reviews to improve customer satisfaction.

Our solutions
The clustering of your store fleet is constructed by identifying the main role of each point of sale based on the analysis of available information:
- physical characteristics of the store
- Receipts
- catchment area (competition, customer profile vs population),
- performance indicators (penetration, frequency, basket).
Lugaxis offers a ” Machine Learning “span, lb, approach to your customer reviews to improve customer satisfaction.



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